Enrolment Contact Form

Thank you for expressing interest in enrolling at Staughton College. Eligible children and young persons have the right to be admitted to their designated neighbourhood government school. Before you proceed with this submission please ensure you check that Staughton College is your designated neighbourhood school at Find My School (please note that some addresses may fall on the border between schools and will need to be confirmed by our office.)


This is the person responsible for the student including legally responsible to send the student to school and support the student financially. The enrolling student must live with this person MOST of the time during the week.
Year you wish your child to start at Staughton College
Select Starting Year Level
I acknowledge that I have checked that Staughton is my designated neighbourhood school and to assist in assessing my child's eligibility for enrolment, I will be asked to include in my pre-enrolment application original or certified copies of:

1. Rental agreements or unconditional contracts of sale plus
2. A copy of two of the following:
· electoral enrolment confirmation
· council rates notices
· other official documentation that demonstrates permanent residency at that address such as a driver's license, health care card or utilities bill (Water, Gas or Electricity).

Documents should show the same address and parent's/carer's name as recorded on the school enrolment application form.