Our Middle Years Program gives students a strong foundation for their secondary education. It includes learning the practical skills and knowledge as well as the required behaviours and resiliency required for the years ahead. Key skills include using their diaries and netbooks to stay organised, learning how to understand and seek out feedback, and how to take advantage of resources like our library and Homework Club. By Year 8, students are aware of their own strengths and goals so that they can make informed choices about their subjects as they progress to Year 9. In order to make informed choices, students need to consider their desired post-schooling destinations, and through Career Action Plans and university visits so that they become aware of these options available to them.
In Year 9 students undertake core studies in English, Mathematics and Health and Physical Education. Humanities and Science are also compulsory, however the students determine which pathway of the two they would like to pursue in greater depth. Two elective units from the Arts and Technology domains are also completed throughout the year.
In Year 10 students undertake core studies in English and Mathematics and are allowed the choice of three other subjects. When selecting these, they are encouraged to consider their future pathways, university prerequisites and approach them as an introduction to these studies in VCE. Students in term 4 also get the opportunity to attend the Year 10 Formal, which is a reward for their hard work throughout the year.
Highlights of The Middle Years Program include strong, academically rigorous subjects that prepare students for VCE, the inclusion of the SEAL program to accelerate and enrich students with exceptional academic abilities and the BYOD program, which matches ICT proficient staff with a technology rich learning environment. Our very successful Public Speaking and Debating program, along with whole school productions engage students in the Staughton Community and develop the leadership capacity of our students.
Staughton College is now offering tutoring in Maths and English to all students in Years 7-10. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to get extra help in these core subjects. Tutoring is on every Wednesday from 3:15 – 4:00 in the library. Extra support for students can be helpful in improving your child’s learning progress. All students welcome.
During Term 3, Year 10 students are given the opportunity to complete one week of Work Experience. For further details, please contact our Careers Councillor Ashlee Bolger ashlee.bolger@education.vic.gov.au
Year Level Coordinators are assigned to each year level and their role is to assist all students in their year level to achieve success in all areas of student life. These duties include monitoring students’ academic achievement, attendance and compliance with the expectations of the college. For further information please contact your child’s relevant Year Level Coordinator.
Jess Bozajkovski: jessica.bozajkovski@education.vic.gov.au
Ancel Franklin: ancel.franklin@education.vic.gov.au
Stuart Carter: stuart.carter@education.vic.gov.au
Learning coordinators assist students in reaching their full potential and in meeting the Staughton expectation of success. They do this through the provision of extra support in and out of the classroom in organisation, time management, focus and motivation.
Eu Vin Hor: EuVin.Hor@education.vic.gov.au