The Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools (TAASS) is a collective of like-minded schools who strongly value Gifted Education in Victorian Government secondary schools. SEAL Academy schools, such as Staughton College, offer accelerated and engaging programs for their groups of gifted students.
The TAASS Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program is designed to cater for gifted, talented and high-achieving students. It operates on the principles of Curriculum Acceleration and Enrichment.
The first of these – Curriculum Acceleration – enables students to commence areas of work earlier and/or move through areas of work more quickly. The end result of this approach is to provide a more challenging learning environment for students. TASSS SEAL students complete a three-year program, with the intention of allowing them to study of a greater number and range of VCE units, which can assist with both ATAR scores and course entry requirements.
The second of these – Curriculum Enrichment – encourages the study of more complex and abstract concepts in class and a greater emphasis on higher order thinking skills such as analysing, synthesising, generalising and recognising relationships. Students are actively encouraged to develop investigative, problem solving and creative thinking skills which will challenge and engage them, and which will provide an excellent foundation for further studies.
The High Abilities Learning Coordinator oversees the program and learning progress of all SEAL students. The SEAL program includes a range of academic study along with enrichment activities and community focused events. Part of the learning progress involves monitoring student’s progress and reports. Supportive adaptable learning tools are a key element in ensuring every SEAL student achieves success. Each SEAL group stays together as a class for the first three years of their secondary schooling, receiving a purpose designed and delivered curriculum program.
From Year 7 – 9 the subjects offered in SEAL are: Maths, English, Science and Humanities, Music, French, Food, Health, PE and Art. After Year 9, the third year of the program, the Careers Coordinator and The High Abilities Learning Coordinator meet one on one with the SEAL students and parents to agree on a personalised pathway to complete their schooling. We encourage SEAL students to explore all options to ensure they can achieve their best ATAR score.
SEAL students have options open to them after Year 9. Please note that all conversation around pathways for SEAL students will consider all available information to support decisions made by parents, students, The High Abilities Learning Coordinator and Course Counsellor.
Please be advised that we are currently reviewing the structure of our SEAL program in line with the DET High-Ability initiative.
The SEAL timeline follows the guidelines as set out by the department of Education Transition timeline.
If interested in the SEAL program at Staughton, please look through the information above, as well as the SEAL Academy website:
Registration link:
Please note that once registration and payment has been made, all correspondence for the EduTest will come via email from the test administrators.
SEAL Timeline
If you have any further questions, please contact the The High Abilities Learning Coordinator