Online Learning through Google Classroom

Online Learning at Staughton College

Remote Learning Plan 2021

Years 8-9: (Remote Learning Monday, Thursday, Friday)

  • English and Math – students will be required to attend a google meet once a week for both English and Maths. This will be at the same time each week. They will be given one key lesson per week and the rest of the time is consolidation. Some teachers may offer optional google meets for their students. All information including links to google meets will be communicated through the Google classroom for each subject.
  • All students will be required to attend a google meet at tutorial time each day. This will be an opportunity for students to connect and for us to check in. All Year  8 students can access these google meets through your English google classroom. All Year 9 students should use their current tute google classroom.
    • If a student misses these compulsory google meets – they get marked absent for those periods
  • Other subjects – an activity will be posted for students to engage with. We encourage all students to engage in these lessons where possible. Follow your timetable.
  • Individual class timetables for remote learning can be accessed below.


Year 10: (Remote Learning Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Senior School (Years 10) – Students are expected to attend a Google meet for every scheduled lesson as per their timetable. All information will be communicated through the Google classroom for each subject. Students will be marked present when they attend the google meet. There will be no tutorial classes during remote learning.

Google Classrooms

How to use Google Classroom

Google Classroom Timetables and Codes

Year 8

Start 28th October Sem 2 Remote learning timetable – Year 8 Updated

Year 9

Start 28th October Sem 2 Remote learning timetable – Year 9

Year 10

Year 10, 11 and 12 Google Classroom Codes

Year 10 Careers: vvgdne3

Year 11 Careers: 26x2ulr

Year 12 Careers: jcndgqs

People without a Staughton email cannot add themselves to these classrooms.

A quick guide on Accessing Google Classrooms and Google Meets

Contacting Teachers

Students can use the comment sections of Google Classroom to contact teachers.

We ask that you please be patient as teachers may be responding to other students.



Behaviour expectations online

Our behaviour expectations online are the same as our behaviour expectations during normal school times. We will continue to teach and reward the behaviours from our Staughton Student Matrix. You may want to set up a system to reinforce this at home.