
Staughton College’s on-campus Uniform Shop

Uniform Pricelist 2024

Term trading hours are Staughton College’s on-campus Uniform Shop is open Monday: 8am – 10am & Thursday: 3pm – 5pm.

Staughton College Uniform  

A uniform dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community, and assists in developing pride in representing their school.

The aim of having a school uniform is:

  • To promote equality amongst all students.
  • To further develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school.
  • To provide durable clothing that is cost effective and practical for our school environment.
  • To maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community


Student Expectations:

  • Students are expected to wear the correct full school uniform at all times.
  • Students are expected to bring the correct school uniform to participate in physical education classes
  • If a student is in the incorrect school uniform it is expected that they will bring a parent note and get a uniform pass from their year level coordinator prior to the commencement of classes.

Staughton College requires all students to strictly adhere to the uniform policy. To ensure college pride, all items of uniform must be worn in good, clean condition. There is to be no alterations to uniform without approval.


Staughton College strongly believes that wearing the full school uniform improves school safety and creates a sense of belonging. We would like to thank you for your continued support.

–   Student Operations Team